ONDA uses the revolutionary technology called Coolwaves™ for non-surgical contouring of the body and fat reduction. These Coolwaves™ deliver more heat directly to subcutaneous fat cells by reaching deeper layers of the skin. The result is a safer, more effective shaping solution than other Radiofrequency alternatives- a guaranteed sexier you.
Treatment Process
1. The doctor will mark the treatment area.
2. The doctor will input the following details: which problem to address (localized fat, cellulite, and tightening), the number of doses needed, and which hand piece (shallow or deep) will be used.
3. Vasline oil will be applied on the treatment area.
4. The doctor will glide the hand piece to deiiver the micro-waves to the skin surface.
5. Excess oil will be removed afterwards.
6. The treatment area will be massaged.
- Localized fat
- Cellulite
- Skin Tightening
- Body Shaping
Duration: 10 to 45 minutes depending on treatment area
Ideal Number of Sessions: Several depending on patient's slimming goals
Is this Painful? No
Downtime: None
This treatment is a non-invasive, painless procedure that combines two simultaneous actions: stimulating reduction in body fat stores as well as eliminating toxins and metabolic waste. Imagine having both problems solved in one to a few treatments! The overall effect is elimination of excess body fat which helps reduce health risks such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Treatment Process
1. Initial consultation is required in order for the doctor to prescribe the number of sessions/which protocol is needed based on the patient's slimming goals.
A. Drainage Protocol - is recommended for patients with strong obesity. This makes use of micro-pressue to allow drainage of the whole body.
B. Dynamic Protocol - is a device that enables the prevention of cardio-vascular risks by reducing the waist circumference, a major risk factor of the metabolic syndrome.
C. Static Protocol - is a device specially designed for people with reduced mobility. It allows a decresed of body fat excesses.
D. Infertility Protocol - this is used to reduced viceral fat and favour pregnancy rates before IVF in people with a BMI >30.
2. After the first session, patient will be required to follow a schedule of treatments in addition to usual hygiene and dietary rules.
- Excess Abdominal Fat
Duration: 30 minutes
Ideal Number of Sessions: Several depending on patient's slimming goals
Is this Painful? No
Downtime: None